WHEN YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING AND YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE YOUR OWN BLOG ANYMORE: Then you got problems. First of all, all blogspot URLs are banned by my office firewall, as I have mentioned before. Blogger itself is also banned. As a result, I cannot engage in my vainglory on company time. And most of my time is company time these days.
Second, I am one of the Instapundit-inspired bloggers. In my own case this means I used to blog like Instapundit: frequently. Glibly; tossing out the link, with a few set-up sentences wrapped around a quoted, italicised block of text. Focussing on politics, with the occasional nod to my own interests. But this is not something I could sustain indefinitely--so when I ran out of juice, I would quit for like months. Maybe because I thought I wasn't being Reynoldsy enough. But I don't have the interest to comment on everything anymore. And--as explained above--I don't have the ability to cover everything everymore via blog exposition. Plus Glenn himself seems like he's blogging from an alternate universe where the UN is something I'm supposed to care about and the Bush administration always has a secret plan to play the media for suckers. So I don't think the Instapundit is a good blog role model for me. Maybe not any of polibloggers, who were once the warbloggers, who I love reading (at least the left-leaning ones) but I cannot write like, not anymore.
Third: Maybe I just need to write a little more. Do a little more of the thinking and less of the linking. You know where to go for the phat links. I know where to go. That's fine. That is not here for the time being, I guess.
So: things are different around here. There are reasons for that, stated above. Statements of the grandiose new order in the land of Blogistan are sure to follow. Or not. But maybe we can get some consistent daily posting around here again.
4 months ago
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