THANK YOU, BOB RYAN, YOU WHO ARE MERELY THE MOST FAMOUS JOUMANA KIDD HATER: I mean, he said he wanted to smack her--fine, whatever. But who isn't annoyed by Joumana Kidd? By someone who drags their kid to every single freaking playoff game so she can get more camera time? And I love the Nets and Jason Kidd but she's got to be the most oppressive NBA wife. At least Doug Christie's wife stays off camera.
Anyway, here--via Sportsfilter--is Ryan on why Boston College is stupid for leaving the Big East. The points he makes are pretty strong (it makes no sense, BC has nothing in common with the ACC, it'll destroy the non-revenue sports, it makes no sense) so read the whole thing if you're interested. Why does BC have a football program, anyhow? One Doug Flutie magic moment and you gotta play football the rest of your existence? Yikes.
4 months ago
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