Wednesday, February 06, 2002

ANYBODY UP FOR A ROAD TRIP?: There's a ton of motel rooms still unsold for the Olympics, Ananova reports. Via Drudge. We could hang out with Ken's sister. The article blames the hideous security checks, the sheer distance between events and the complete lack of alcohol. Read this paragraph in the nerdiest voice you can find in your head:

George Van Komen, chairman of Utah's Alcohol Policy Coalition, told broadcaster MSNBC: "Many people associate revelry and partying with alcohol, but that's simply not necessary. Drinks may not be as available as freely as some people might like. But it's a compromise we feel is important to keep drinks away from our young people and to keep the public safe."

But all is not lost:

Bars are banned from selling anything but watered-down beer which has a maximum of 3.2% alcohol, and drinkers wanting anything stronger have to join "private clubs" at a cost of five dollars (£3.50).

Restaurants serve drink, but only to people buying food - and until last year, could not even put alcoholic drinks on the menu, meaning wine lists were banned. And people are not allowed to bring alcohol across Utah's state borders, as its sale is controlled and taxed at 78.l%.......

To get round the restrictions, diplomats from Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia and Switzerland have set up temporary consulates which can sell alcohol tax-free.

Our Friends The Europeans is finally a non-ironic and completely true phrase. EUR-OPE! EUR-OPE!

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