Thursday, February 14, 2002

MAGAZINE WATCHING: Here's Bruce of Flit (after the apocalypse when we all live online he'll shorten it to Bruce O'Flit or something) on the greatness of the New Republic. Meanwhile I saw the new Atlantic today and it had a real cool story on our revised understanding of what pre-Columbus Americans were like; it suggested that there were a lot more of them than we used to think, that they were in some respects more advanced than the Europeans who supplanted them (with disease mostly), and that the Amazon rain forest might be a human artifact and certainly not the pristine Nature In Its Glory it has always been portrayed as. Neat stuff. And I got the new Vanity Fair and yes, it had the idiot Attack Of The Clones cover and the WTC horror coverage inside. Vanity Fair, covering everything with equal seriousness --kind of like this blog, except I cover everything with equal goofiness. And so it goes.

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