Sunday, February 17, 2002

TV WATCHING: These guys on NBC are bitching about Apolo Ohno not getting the gold, saying he got knocked down and it's unfair he and the other racers who got knocked down don't get a chance at winning medals fair and square and they should rerun a race like that when it happens in a medal round (if you fall down in a non-medal round you can still advance, apparently.) I say no way, it's the unpredictability of short track that's getting me interested. Did you see the way Ohno won the silver? Just by scrambling and getting his blade over the finish in front of the Canadian. Cool. And I can't believe that crowd booed that Australian guy who won. He had the look of "holy crap, look what happened to me" amazement when he won and I hope they run some sort of human-interest story on him.

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