Monday, March 04, 2002

THE BLUE COYOTE: Explains the shadow government concept to us all. He likes it:

Is this a good idea? HELL YES. Can you even imagine what could happen to our country if the head were cut off it's body? No clear cut boss, no standing orders, no co-location of general and specific knowledge required to make things work. Without some form of a governing body, our country would writhe in self-inflicted agony as every tin-pot general or crime boss fought over who gets the biggest cut of cake.

This "shadow government" deal is sort of science fiction-sounding; in an earlier era it would've provided great nightmare fuel for some of the more paranoid writers out there. Now it just seems like it makes sense, and thinking up doomsday scenarios isn't as off the wall as it once was. Getting a taste of doomsday is probably a reason for that.

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