Monday, March 04, 2002

WHAT I WARBLOGGED OVER SUMMER VACATION: By Justin Slotman Age Eight. Joanne Jacobs adds:

I enjoy being part of an anti-idiotarian community of bloggers who share certain values, such as the idea that freedom, democracy and dynamism are good things and that self-respecting people and nations fight to defend themselves when attacked. For me, the warblog label is too restrictive. But I respect the right of Bjorn, Blogistan, Rantburg and others to define themselves as Bellicose Bloggers.

She also links to this Bjorn Staerk post:

Me, I feel kind of attached to my warblog. That's how I got started in the first place, 11 days after September 11th, and if you like you can still interpret it figuratively. Even better, calling it warblogs signifies opposition to the political tradition that has its center in the 60's peace movement, a dislike of which is perhaps the only thing every friend-of-Glenn has in common.

I think Bjorn's right about that; dislike of the old 60s models of world peace is probably what all of us who started blogging in the wake of Instapundit have in common. It's the closest I can think of to a common thread.

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